

22.01.2009 - 00:00
Langsam wirds kritisch Jungs. Wer jetzt noch nicht seit fast 2 Jahren eine Starcraft 2 Fanseite betreibt, auf der Blizzard Friendlist steht oder eine BlizzCon Goodybag Keycard besitzt, SOLLTE sich vielleicht langsam Gedanken machen! :eek:
Aber keine Sorge, Blizzard scheint verschiedenste Gewinnspiele und Contests in Planung zu haben, um die eifrigsten ihrer Fans mit Beta Keys zu versorgen. Allen voran der Comic Contest:
"Vespene Laughs! StarCraft II Comic Contest Update
StarCraft II Beta Keys are up for grabs to the funniest, wittiest, able to cause a fun chuckle in your fellow StarCraft fans!

As a FYI, we will be adding (2) StarCraft II Beta Keys to the Vespene Laughs 1st place winner's prize package each month for the StarCraft II Comic Contest. The rules will be updated accordingly for the February round of entries. Additionally, we will also reward previous 1st place winners of the contest as well with the beta keys as well.

This contest will be the first of various contests that will begin offering a chance to get into the StarCraft II Beta. If you know there isn't a funny bone anywhere in ya, don't worry, there will be plenty of other opportunities, just keep checking back with us.
Quelle: - Beta Keys to be added to Contests

PS: Laut Karune gibts morgen den 48. Batch!
geschrieben von OgerEli  

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